Theism & the Problem of Evil

a HI Debate

Between Philosophers


Luis Oliveira

University of Houston


Rob Koons

University of Texas

  • This event will feature two philosophers dialoguing deeply and respectfully about a central philosophical issue: Is God’s existence as traditionally understood –all-powerful, perfectly loving and benevolent–consistent with suffering? What is it reasonable to expect from a loving and all-powerful God?
  • Prof. Koons (Philosophy, UT Austin) has defended God as traditionally conceived, based on the philosophy of St. Thomas Aquinas
  • By contrast, Prof. Luis Oliveira (Philosophy, University of Houston) has argued that the amount of suffering in our world raises serious challenges to belief in the traditional God.

6:45 to 8:45 PM, April 2nd, 2024

at Hudspeth Auditorium in Glasscock School of Continuing Studies

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