How Should We Live? Rival Political Philosophies

As our country gears up for an election, it is a great time to step back and use the resources of philosophy to think about the crucial question: not just, “How should I live?” but, “How should we live?” This 6-week reading group will explore some of the major, rival political philosophies that animate much of our contemporary discourse. We will explore questions such as:

  • Should the government endorse heavy redistribution for the worse off in society or would such redistribution be unjust?
  • What are prominent arguments for and against socialism? For and against libertarianism?
  • Is it possible for the government to be neutral about what it means to live a good life? Or should the government promote certain virtues and values in a pluralistic society? If so, which ones?

We will explore these questions through reading a wide range of thinkers such as: John Rawls, Robert Nozick, Michael Sandel, Gerard Cohen, and Thomas Aquinas. Each of these authors, views, and arguments will be explored in a fair-minded way, as those from which we have something to learn, regardless of our own moral or political views. Any student interested in serious engagement and intellectual friendship is welcome.

Led by Dr. Victor Saenz 

Email, if interested.

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