Led by Victor Saenz, PhD, Executive Director, Houston Institute
Moral relativism is sometimes characterized as the view that morality is relative to particular cultures, and that there is no way to adjudicate between rival cultures. It also tends to be associated with what is taken to be a confirmation of relativism: widespread moral disagreement about important matters. And yet, most professional Anglo-american philosophers, from a variety of backgrounds, reject moral relativism. What are various ways of characterizing relativism? What arguments are given in favor and against it? And why do so many philosophers think we can arrive at moral truth?
Undergraduates and graduate students welcome
Short readings and dinner provided
Tuesdays, 6:15-7:30pm, McMurtry PDR
3/19, 3/26, 4/9, 4/16
No meeting on Tuesday, 4/2 – attend talk by Jennifer Lahl!