The Future in the Instant: Ambition in Shakespeare

Upon the news of her husband’s promotion, Lady Macbeth tells her servant that she “can feel the future in the instant.” Her anticipation, eagerness, and desire for the crown of Scotland mix so that she can sense her future almost tangibly before it has happened, in the “instant.” Whether it be the Queenship of Scotland or not, we all have aspirations, wants for the upcoming week and desires for the years to come. We all have our imagined futures that we want to realize.

This reading group’s purpose is to illuminate the role of ambition in the Tragedy of Macbeth. Join us as we read uncomfortably close to a man who murdered his king and his own mind. Macbeth and his demise will offer us insight into the nature of ambition and what it might suggest for our own lives and futures.

Email to register & receive copies of the readings. 

Led by James Prather, MA

Meets every other Saturday 9/17, 10/1, 10/15, 10/29, 11/12, 5:30 – 7:00pm 

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