Other Selves: On Friendship

In the words of Aristotle, “no one would choose to live without friends.” Yet, many Americans report feeling lonely with regularity—1 in 5, by one count. This seems especially true in younger generations. Moreover, recent cultural changes seem to reveal shrinking social networks. In light of these trends, this reading group will focus on the nature of friendship. What is it? How do I form friendships? How can I be a better friend? Readings will be drawn from major figures in the history of philosophy, such as Aristotle, Cicero, Seneca, Aquinas, and Montaigne. We will be using the collection Other Selves: Philosophers on Friendship, edited by Michael Pakaluk.

All undergraduates and graduate students welcome. No advanced preparation required. Dinner provided.

Begins week of 10/28

Please email: victor.saenz@rice.edu to RSVP, receive a copy of the book, or for more information

Image: Le Petit Prince Wallpaper, by HaeckDesign, licenced under CC 2.0

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